TCC and AWARD invite you to our 2017 creative leadership event with Glenn Cole: "A conversation about our industry's priorities and some lessons learned while trying to build a creative organization and culture that doesn't depend on you".
Glenn is Founder and Creative Co-Chair of 72andSunny, a marketing, advertising, and design company that specializes in brand transformations and whose mission is to expand and diversify the creative class. At 72andSunny,Glenn is responsible for fostering a culture that recognizes the creativity in everyone and for setting the company's standard for innovation.
Prior to 72andSunny, Glenn spent 10 years at Wieden&Kennedy as a Creative Director for Nike's global soccer business, with a few years in between dedicated to personal creative exploration and a stint directing commercials and music videos.
Today, when not helping global brands like Google, Adidas, and Coors fulfill their brand aspirations, Glenn serves as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors for The One Club, the world's leading creative non-profit organization.
Most recently, Glenn co-founded Sundae, a next-generation Influencer Network where purpose-led brands and purpose-driven creators can collaborate to make an impact in the world.
Friday 26 May 2017
12.00pm to 2.00pm
Ivy Ballroom
Level 1, 330 George Street,
Sydney, NSW 2000
Individual tickets $200 inc GST
Table of 10 $2,000 inc GST