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Photographer Andrew Zuckerman's CREATURE project is an exciting and unconventional take on nature photography, portraying wildlife in a clean studio setting as opposed to their natural habitat.

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Red Kangaroo Photo: Andrew Zuckerman
African Lion Photo: Andrew Zuckerman
African Lion Photo: Andrew Zuckerman
Differential Grasshopper Photo: Andrew Zuckerman
Domestic Canary Photo: Andrew Zuckerman
Mandrill Monkey Photo: Andrew Zuckerman

Photographer Andrew Zuckerman's CREATURE project is an exciting and unconventional take on nature photography, portraying wildlife in a clean studio setting as opposed to their natural habitat.

The comprehensive catalogue of photographs include everything from the smallest of insects to the African Lion, offering a unique view of the personalities and beauty of the animals portrayed in an almost conservational manner—a collection of photographic taxidermy if you will.

From the CREATURE Project website:

"Andrew Zuckerman's comprehensive photographic catalogue of the natural world began with the CREATURE project. Substituting his minimalist visual language for the conventions of traditional nature photography, Zuckerman extracted his subjects from their environments and recontextualized them in the clarifying white space to distill each animal to its most essential qualities. CREATURE is aesthetically rooted in the illustrative indexing of 19th century biologists and the dioramas of natural history museums, and shares their preservationist intent. In CREATURE, Zuckerman explores the notion of photography as taxidermy and the hyper-articulated images provide the viewer with intimate and vivid access to the animal kingdom, including a number of rare and endangered animals. Alongside scientific classifications for all of the species included in the project, the CREATURE collection provides a contemporary document of the animal kingdom at close range."

All photographs © Andrew Zuckerman.