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Edwin Concubierta and Ekin Gunes are an Art Director & Copywriter team at TBWA\Sydney, one of Australia's leading advertising and creative agencies. Here Ekin details how AWARD School helped get them to where they are today.

Edwin Concubierta and Ekin Gunes are an Art Director & Copywriter team at TBWA\Sydney, one of Australia's leading advertising and creative agencies. Here Ekin details how AWARD School helped get them to where they are today.

We've been working as a creative team for over three years now – and it all started at AWARD School, where we met in our first tutorial group in 2017.
Prior to applying, Edwin was working as a marketing officer for a university and I was working as a lawyer. 
We both had zero experience as creatives. We didn’t have family or friends who worked in advertising either - it was all new to us. 
We just knew we had this creative ambition, but didn’t know where to focus it.
AWARD School was great because it didn’t feel like a course so much as hands-on-work experience, where we were coming up with ideas, working with creatives and experiencing agency life first hand. 
We realised that this mysterious profession was actually something we could do. 
We quit our jobs (insane now that we think about it) and ended up in our first role as a team many months later - after emailing every Executive Creative Director in existence and hassling them into meeting us for a coffee. 
Fast forward three years and we’re at TBWA\Sydney where we’re so lucky to work with truly amazing people on dream brands. 
From time to time, we still pinch ourselves that we made it happen.
Learn more about AWARD School